Green - About the Brand

Green Glasses 

Green Prescription Glasses Logo Thomas Trauth, founder and managing director of Thomas Trauth Design GmbH, is a world renowned eyewear designer from Stuttgart area in Germany. 

Thomas Trauth's design philosophy follows his uncompromising attitude of putting aesthetics ergonomics and simplicity above all design elements. He makes use of innovative technology and high-end quality to help achieve these goals and not as means to show off. 

Thomas Trauth has developed the Green collection with a focus on sustainable production through innovative design. He combines functionality, ergonomics and style in the simplest form. 

Free Form Green collection defines the ultimate green concept in eyewear. Products made from recyclable or biodegradable materials may not be truly environment-friendly. However, the Green collection is environmentally responsible in every step from its origination, because it:

  • consumes the least material
  • requires the fewest production steps
  • is the first eyewear designed to minimise carbon footprint
  • release no toxic materials during production

Free Form Green collection passes all savings, achieved through ingenious design and technology, directly to the consumers. It is priced relatively lower than other designer brands.

Less Is More

High quality material and innovation product design allows Green to use the least amount of material and the fewest number of production steps. As a result, the Green collection saves environment and offers the consumer a comfortable, stylish and lightweight eyewear. 

The focus of the frame design is on quality, light weight and comfort. The frame is completely free of screws and arguably the lightest sheet-metal beta-titanium frame. No toxic materials are ever released into the environment at any stage of the production process or the wearer. 

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