VerSport - About the Brand

VerSports Glasses 

Playing tennis with Versport prescription sport protective safety glassesVerSport Sports Protective Eyewear Prescription glasses and sunglassesThe VerSport range is delivered with solutions for children, teens and adults. VerSport sports Rx goggles feature a number of specific features designed for wear in the sports arena but also as a general wear activity product. These features include impact resistant frames made from a high-yield polymer based material, dual locking with raised rear bevel edge system for great lens retention, an anti-shock and optimal air flow bridge and slightly deeper eye shapes for best fit. VerSport children's frames come with a full head band fitted as standard in 46 and 49mm eye sizes, whereas the teens and adult ranges are available in three different models up to 56 eye and are supplied with super soft sides with an option to remove these sides and replace with a full head band dependent on requirements. With this in mind the adult pack comes with sides fitted as standard to the goggle, rear head strap, full head band, anti-fog gel and all supplied in a protective shell case

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